Most people who experience chronic hip pain maintain that they would like to avoid surgery if possible. New developments in the use of regenerative therapy may help this become a reality. While research continues on the merits of various types of regenerative therapy to regenerate healthy new tissue, clinical trials suggest that this treatment may provide significant symptom relief for people suffering from hip pain due to injury or degenerative problems.
Stem cells are unique in their behavior. When introduced into an area that has been injured, these cells can develop into other types of cells, such as bone cells, cartilage cells, and fat cells. The type of cells that develop depends on the type of injury that needs to be repaired. When injected into the hip suffering from arthritis or injury, regenerative therapy has been shown to release a chemical that reduces inflammation. They may also promote damaged cartilage to self-repair.
The exact way in which regenerative therapy works is still under investigation through hundreds of clinical trials. Many people who have been treated with stem cells, both from their own bone marrow and from umbilical cord tissue, have found that their symptoms feel less intense over time.
Bone marrow stem cells are obtained in an outpatient procedure using a small instrument attached to a syringe. The procedure is performed with local anesthesia that numbs the area thoroughly. However, due to the depth of penetration, patients will feel mild discomfort. Once the stem cells have been obtained, they are separated from blood and other fluids and are immediately ready to insert into the injured hip. The use of umbilical cord-derived stem cells does not require the initial step. These stem cells are pre-processed and ready for injection without harvesting any matter from the patient.
Numerous studies are ongoing at this time. Recent research into the use of umbilical cord-derived regenerative therapy indicates that this treatment option is a remarkable development in regenerative medicine. In one study published in the journal Regenerative Medicine (October 2018, Vol. 13 No. 8), it was written that “the data conclusively establish that (umbilical cord blood) is enriched in cytokines (proteins that communicate commands to stem cells) and growth factors that play an important role in bone regeneration and repair.”
The need for more research is necessary and is, fortunately, happening at a fast pace. In the meantime, we look to the clinical performance of regenerative therapy to observe the ways in which it helps people manage the symptoms of conditions like osteoarthritis of the hip.
The results of regenerative therapy for hip arthritis and other hip problems are not noticed right away. This regenerative treatment works in concert with the body’s healing mechanisms. Patients may begin to notice signs of relief in 2 to 6 weeks.
What people appreciate the most about regenerative therapy for hip pain is that this treatment provides them with an alternative option to surgery. The treatment is not proven to regrow damaged joints but it has demonstrated efficacy in relieving the symptoms of injuries and degenerative hip conditions. The process is relatively simple, with a shorter recovery period than hip replacement surgery. Additionally, there are fewer risks due to the minimally invasive nature of the treatment.
Numerous regenerative therapy and other forms of hip injections are performed every year. The body generally receives stem cells extremely well, especially autologous bone marrow stem cells. Like other medical treatments that involve injections, there are slight risks for infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. These risks are mitigated through the use of ultrasound guidance during the procedure and by strict adherence to sterility.
Hip injections generally result in mild side effects such as bruising and swelling. After treatment, the body also engages in an inflammatory response, which causes soreness.
Patients are advised to avoid anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen for 4 to 6 weeks after regenerative therapy or PRP therapy. The body must be allowed to complete its natural inflammatory response to the injury. This is part of how regenerative therapy may work to repair injured or deteriorated tissues. The soreness that occurs after injection therapy may be noticeable for 2 to 3 days, so patients may want to arrange time off work. During this time, comfort may be managed by applying ice packs for short periods.
Strenuous activities that involve hip movements need to be avoided for at least 4 weeks after therapeutic injections. This allows tissue time to heal without facing unnecessary stress. As much as possible, patients should avoid putting weight on the joint for a few days after treatment. A follow-up may be scheduled in 3 to 4 weeks to evaluate the progress of healing. Additional regenerative therapy or PRP injections may be recommended depending on the severity of joint damage.
Hip pain can significantly impede functional movement and degrade the quality of life. To explore the science of regenerative therapy with an experienced team, schedule a consultation with us. To learn more about the services available call 610-999-1690.